Episode 254: TWT Live with Colorado’s SWAAAC

This week, Chris and Rachel host a lively session of Talking with Tech Live with members of Colorado’s State Wide Assistive Technology, Augmentative &  Alternative Communication (SWAAC) group! SWAAAC teams are interdisciplinary groups (e.g. SLPs, OTs, PTs) that provide Assistive Technology services in Colorado schools. As with previous episodes of Talking with Tech Live, Chris and Rachel facilitated a collaborative discussion with the audience based on questions submitted by the audience. 


Key questions this week include:


❓How do we keep up with AAC software and the features that are coming out?


❓What should we do if the AAC Specialist in our district is using the candidacy model and doesn’t believe that a student is “ready” for a robust language system?


❓What is the best way to help educators embrace a functional communication system in a classroom? 


 ❓How can we convince SLPs and Behavior Interventionists we work with that a student needs a robust vocabulary and not just a few nouns for requesting?


❓What is the best way to support English Language Learners who use AAC when we don’t speak their primary language? 


Episode 255: Chloe Rothschild: Teacher, Author, Advocate, and Part-Time AAC User


Episode 253: Brian Schobel: Supporting Assistive Technology During the Transition to Employment